Hinter Symposium on Nutrition & Feed Technology of Fish and Shrimp

Number: Hinter has held 27 symposia and shared 182 reports, which attracted more than 10000 industry friends to attend since 2005.

Organizer: Guangzhou Hinter Biotechnology Co., Ltd and Guangdong Haid Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Research Center

Objective: Focus on nutrition and feed technology of aquatic animal, protruding technology, being close to practice and emphasizing application.

Theme: Encouraging communication and promoting progress

Symposium of World's Chinese Scientists on Nutrition and Feeding of Finfish and Shellfish

Symposium description
World's Chinese Scientists on Nutrition and Feeding of finfish and shellfish (WCSNFFS)..

Previous symposium


International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding

Symposium description
(ISFNF) hosted by Nutrition and the Production of Fish and Shellfish Committee of International Union…..

Previous symposium
